Together with our experts we designed all the exercises you will find in the world of Azoa. They supported us in making sure every detail was taken care of, so that you can have the best experience imaginable.
Want to learn more about them?
Prof. Dr. Ottmar Ludwig Braun studied psychology at the University of Bielefeld and Princeton University and is now a professor at the University of Landau. His research focuses on positive psychology and mental health among other topics. In his free time, he enjoys hiking and contributing to Azoa and the development of the exercises as an expert.
Prof. Dr. Saskia Pilger is a lecturer at the FOM University of Applied Sciences for Economics and Management where she conducts research in the field of positive psychology. She also offers and evaluates training and coaching concepts based on positive self-management. In her free time, she loves traveling and likes to combine scientific conferences with fun travel experiences.
Dr. Roman Müller is a studied mathematician but has always been very interested in martial arts and subsequently in meditation. He is deeply involved in energetic and spiritual practices and currently focuses on the topics of being, identity, love, truth, and happiness. He works as a mathematician as well as a Wing Tsun and Tai Chi coach.
Barbara Linde van der Vlugt studied clinical neuropsychology at Leiden University and works today as a complementary therapist in her private practice where she incorporates awareness and meditation into her therapies. Barbara also likes to make smoothies with creative and weird ingredients, which yield very mixed results.