Informations to Premium

Welcome to Azoa Premium – the ultimate upgrade for your well-being adventure! Delve into a world of exclusive features and rewards designed to elevate your overall wellness. Unlock special bonuses, access premium content, and enjoy exciting perks that will enrich every aspect of your Azoa experience. Upgrade to Azoa Premium today and take your well-being journey to the next level!

Premium Features

Music Lillies
Unlock access to 4 new instruments, allowing you to further enhance your memory and listening skills by memorizing and reproducing sequences of tones with a wider range of sounds. Dive into a symphony of new skills!
Puzzle Ruins
Reveal 16 new puzzles designed to help reduce stress and promote a problem-solving rhythm through focused concentration. Are you ready to puzzle together your tranquility?
Stone Stacking
Unlock 25 new challenges in stone stacking, testing your skill and balance as you stack stones without them falling down. Let's get stacking! 
Mandala Magic
Receive 12 new mandalas to color to further improve your well-being and concentration all while reducing stress. Who knew coloring could be so healthy?
Serenity Breath
Two new breathing exercises to help you focus on yourself, release emotions, and stay present in the moment using the ancient meditation techniques. Time to breathe your way to inner peace.
Meditation Arc
Access 15 new guided sessions by our experts that help you to calm down and achieve greater relaxation. Ready to find your inner zen? 
New Achievement Tiers
Discover even more in Azoa with over 50 new achievement stages including exciting challenges and rewards to celebrate your progress and accomplishments within the app.
Additional Daily Rewards
Uncover an bonus track offering 60 additional premium rewards, accelerating your progress within Azoa!
New Animal Skins
Unlock Azoa’s collection of over 60 new animal skins for the animal friends you encounter in Azoa, adding diversity and color into your gaming experience!

Additional informations about the game are available in the App Store.

(Currently only available in Austria and Australia)